program with/by

24 march 2024
playground - kick off session the kids are not alright (or creepy crayon nightmare fuel) larp-test by laura op de beke
.laura op de beke .louisa teichmann .sophie allerding
.playground .larp .gametest

17 february 2024
eat your feelings cinema, 
pink valentines edition

a queer look at love, as it prescripted to heternormative standards and used to make profit. happy fuckin valentine’s.
.eat your feelings cinema .louisa teichmann

.leroy verbeet
.movienight .collaboration .radio

21 - 22 september 2023
force quit
exploring; digital escapism, the omnipresence of surveillance, the grip of technological control, and the emergence of alternative realities and ecologies.
.exhibition .gametest .openhouse

22 july 2023
ghost hardware #3
plot thickens
.cyanne van den houten .louisa teichmann .zip
.hackathon .workshop .movienight

27 may 2023
ghost hardware #2
.roos groothuizen .louisa teichmann .zip
.hackathon .workshops .movienight

18 may 2023
the world as it is
sharing different technological, ecological and philosophical lenses through which we can observe, interpret and relate to our surroundings. evening together with emerging islands, an artist residency in the Philippines focusing on art, community and ecology. 
.erik peters .bianca carague .emerging islands .ishka mejia .pedro gil farias .lance laoyan .nicola sebastian .david loughran
.symposium .collaboration

25 march 2023
ghost hardware #1
.louisa teichmann .derk over .zip
.hackathon .workshops .movienight

17 - 18 december 2022
shedding the skin with feral and synthetic creatures
a two-day gathering exploring various ways of designing with / for change in collaboration with uroboros festival.

paying with tensions and connections between the feral and the synthetic, the block-chained and the un/bound, the premeditated and the unconscious, this event brings together creative practitioners across various eco-socially focused projects to share their transformational methods, approaches, and reflections. The program presents co-creative experiments with feral care, synthetic sensing, algorithmic mysticism, and ocean literacy offered as a 2-days flow of workshops, talks, sharing circles, films, and an exhibition.

symposium and workshops
.erik peters .uroboros festival .markéta dolejsová .jaz hee-jeong choi .klaas kuitenbrouwer .het nieuwe instituut .victor evink .emilia tapprest .camilo garcía a .liminal vision .yannik güldner .anne vera veen .leon lapa pereira .wasteland .derk over .queer arcana .cyanne van den houten .lenka hámosová .uroboros loops .kwan suppaiboonsuk .abdo hassan .AIxDESIGN .michal kucerák

.lance laoyan .telemagic .martyna miller .deborah morah .roos groothuizen .liminal vision .the feral gift .bianca carague .ymar marinus .cyanne van den houten

.kaarst .SXMBRA .somuchemotions
.symposium .workshops .films .exhibition .collaboration

24 - 25 september 2022
paradise lost
exhibition during groot atelier weekend 2022

.slippy banks .DJ moodkill .somuchemotions
.de bizon .kaarst
.exhibition .party .openhouse

26 may 2022
studio warming showcasing the telepythia
.zip .telemagic
.exhibition .party